Things You Should Know Before Getting a Tooth Extraction

Harsh days, tenderness inside the mouth, and lots of pain. Even worse, dental visits are never a fun experience and can be very nerve-wracking. One of the worst ones – the dreaded extraction! This article has pointers to help you know everything you need before CONSIDERING getting a dental extraction done.

There are a few different reasons why you might need to get a tooth extraction. The most common reason is that the tooth is too damaged to be saved. This could be from decay, an injury, or gum disease. If the tooth is severely infected, it might need to be removed to prevent the infection from spreading.

In some cases, you might need to get a tooth extracted before getting dental implants or braces. This is because there needs to be enough room in your mouth for the implants or braces to be placed. Getting a tooth extraction can also help with crowding in your mouth.

The process of getting a tooth extracted is pretty straightforward. First, your dentist will numb the area around the tooth with Novocain. Then, they will use special tools to loosen the tooth and pull it out. You might feel some pressure and minor discomfort during this process, but it shouldn’t be too painful.

After the procedure, your dentist will give you instructions on how to care for the extraction site and what pain medication to take if needed. It’s important that you follow these instructions carefully so that you don’t develop an infection or have any other complications.

Before getting a tooth extraction, it is important to know the basics of dental anatomy. The teeth are composed of the crown, which is the portion visible above the gum line, and the root, which is anchored in the jawbone. The enamel is the hard outer layer that protects the tooth, while the dentin is a softer inner layer. The pulp is the center of the tooth that contains blood vessels and nerves.

Tooth decay occurs when acids produced by plaque break down the enamel and dentin. Plaque is a sticky film of food debris, bacteria, and saliva. When plaque is not removed through brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar (calculus). Once tartar forms, it can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist.

If tooth decay reaches the pulp, it can cause an infection or abscess. An infection occurs when bacteria invade and grow in the pulp. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket that forms around the end of the root. Both infections and abscesses can be painful and require treatment by a dentist.

When you have a tooth extraction, it means that your dentist or oral surgeon will remove one or more of your teeth. The most common reason to have a tooth extracted is that it is decayed beyond repair, but there are other reasons as well, such as if the tooth is impacted (stuck in the jaw) or if you need to make room in your mouth for orthodontic treatment.

Tooth extractions are usually performed using local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the tooth. You may feel some pressure during the procedure, but you should not feel any pain. Recovery from a tooth extraction is usually pretty straightforward – you may experience some soreness and swelling for a few days, and you’ll need to take things easy and be careful not to put too much pressure on the extraction site (by eating soft foods, etc.) until it heals.

One of the things you should know before getting a tooth extraction is the procedure and possible complications. The dentist or oral surgeon will numb your gums and tooth with an injection of local anesthesia. Once the area is numb, they will use tools to loosen the tooth and then remove it. You may feel some pressure during the procedure, but you shouldn’t feel any pain.

After the procedure, you may have some soreness in your mouth that lasts for a few days. You can take over-the-counter pain medication to help with this. You may also have some swelling in your face that goes down after a few days. The dentist may give you a list of instructions to follow after the procedure, such as not smoking or using straws for a few days.

There are some potential complications that can occur after a tooth extraction, such as dry sockets, infection, and damage to other teeth. A dry socket occurs when the blood clot that forms at the site of the extraction is dislodged, exposing the bone underneath. This can be painful and usually requires treatment from your dentist. Infection is another potential complication, especially if you have diabetes or other health conditions that weaken your immune system. If you develop an infection after an extraction, you’ll likely need antibiotics to clear it up. Damage to other teeth is another possible complication, although this is rare. 

Tooth extractions can be a daunting prospect, but armed with the right information they don’t have to be. We hope this Blog has given you a better understanding of what to expect from the procedure and how to care for your teeth afterwards. If you are looking for a Tooth Extraction in Brampton, talk to our dentists at Beaumaris Dental. Schedule a free consultation today!

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